Green Day Celebration
  • Event Date: 20-Aug-2019
  • Updated On: 29-Aug-2019
  • Total Photo(s): 52
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Description: Today at Modern Public School, Kanpur Road Jhansi, Green Day was celebrated in an instructive way where the child learnt about the importance of green colour and the positive effects it has on our lives. The campus buzzed with a series of activities like vibrant speeches, poster making, colouring, collage work etc. Green -The colour of life!!” Attractive charts and drawings were displayed on the bulletin boards depicting the green colour at its best. Bubbling with enthusiasm in their astonishing green costumes the little ones created a pleasant, harmonious and refreshing aura. It goes without saying that the active involvement in this colourful activity infused in them vigor, vitality and freshness. The highlight of this celebration were little commentators who stepped forward with zeal and confidence to deliver short speeches on the significance of green colour. The shades of green filled the air with freshness, thrill, ecstasy and bliss. It also prompted them to think how green colour energizes and revitalizes our lives. It was indeed an invigorating, reviving and rejuvenating experience….!!

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